Reaching a phd milestone is a good time to look back

PhD Progress and Academic Advice – What I learned in my first PhD milestones

It has been a while since I last posted so I thought I would update you on my progress.

The last couple of months have been primarily spent working on my 2nd milestone – the initial literature review.

What does this involve?

A lot of searching databases, a lot of reading, and a lot of learning! My conclusion: confirmation of my belief that dementia care in acute hospitals, more specifically during meal times, is a much needed and relevant research topic.

So, despite ups and downs, despair and breakthrough: the times I wanted to give up and the times I may have lost my passion and direction, I am (for now) ready to soldier on!

Relief is the best way to describe how it feels to finally submit this milestone. Pulling all the work together, and realising my final conclusion, has lifted me back up to carry on. On top of this, a reflection on the last 9 months has given me the little boost I needed.


Having started in February of this year, I missed the initial research modules provided to the new starters of last October; therefore, I found myself, this October, in the ‘research training’ with a group of amazing enthusiasts ready to start their own Masters and PhD programmes. In addition to the valuable teaching from the module I began to realise something else – I actually have made progress personally, professionally and academically in the last 9 months! Being able to answer some of the worries and concerns these people felt as they entered the unknown instilled some self-confidence, in that I have the answers to SOME of the questions.

Some practical tips!

In light of my experience so far I will leave with a little advice for anyone embarking on this journey (or thinking about it):

1. There will be good times and bad, and you will not always feel positive but keep your eye on the goal and keep hold of why you chose to take this path.

2. Right from the beginning keep a record of your search strategy and reading – this will save a lot of time!

3. Use each other for support, meeting up for coffee is not a waste of time (unless it’s too often!). Often talking through and encouraging each other can give you the boost you need!

4. Value your clinical work, don’t lose focus on the reason for choosing a clinical academic pathway.

5. Finally… this advice from Dame Jessica Corner: “the first step to changing the world is to believe what you are doing is important.”

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